
Educational resources to use the photographs and prepare the vote

To help to prepare the vote of your students as part of this educational program, here are a few approaches proposed by the “Teaching center for Media and Information” (centre de l’Enseignement et des Médias d’Information) of the Academy of Caen (France). Simple but realistic, they are guided by a dual purpose:

  • To prepare an elaborate voting, during a limited period of time and to implement different competences of the curriculum from a multidisciplinary perspective,
  • In order for the work to be used over the rest of the school year, other areas of reflection concerning citizenship and open-mindedness especially in the context of information and media education, will be considered.

The overall objective is to arouse media curiosity and use media productions, particularly photography, as a learning tool and gateway to your school activities.
These activities are to be expanded with professional videos or student productions during the year.

🇫🇷 Légendes françaises 2024


🇬🇧 English captions 2024


🇪🇸 Leyendas españolas 2024


🇩🇪 Bildunterschrift 2024


2024 contact sheet to help you to collect your students’ votes


🇫🇷 Kit pédagogique 2024


🇬🇧 Educational kit 2024


🇪🇸 Kit pedagógico 2024


🇩🇪 Padagogische tipps 2024


🇳🇱 Kit met educatieve bronnen 2024